Thursday, April 30, 2009

Is this the best use of our time?

Girls Like Us

Is this the best use of our time?

While we are coming and going inside our own lives, have we each taken on the simple act of mindfulness? I sure hope so, because the alternative is a grim adversary. And, for anyone out there who thinks your small works of courage and compassion don’t make a difference, I am reminded of a speech Robert Kennedy made some 43 years ago while addressing the University of Cape Town. It goes like this: “Few will have the greatness to bend history, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.” Although this very thought provoking speech was made almost two generations ago, it most definitely rings just as true and maybe even more so today. There were so many similarities going on during that time; too many echoing our current situation, in fact. But notice he still used words like bend, change and total. What would it be like for us to take on the practice of bending to create change for a total transformation to occur? Is your glass half empty or half full? Sometimes this metaphor can represent the very way in which we see the world around us as well as how we live our lives. What does your “glass” look like? Is it a soothing colour with plenty of room for good “stuff” or is it old and cracked, not quite able to contain much of anything? How do we start to see things differently?

If we did choose to bend, a possibility would be created. Change can only happen when we make a self imposed commitment. We have to feel it deep inside. It’s that spot we don’t acknowledge too often; Kind of scary, but true. Because we do know that if we did pay attention to the strong pull that is our “Wise Woman”, we would have to do something about it. It’s so much easier going day to day in a comfortable funk. Here’s the thing, though….she doesn’t quit! She may take a break here or a hiatus there, but her bright light continues to shine subtly and strongly, no worries.

Girls like us are often living a “catch 22” lifestyle. You know….when the money appears, I can figure out what I want to be when I grow up and of course, I just need to decide what path to take and then I’ll be happy in my life. The eternally internal whirling ensues and we take the “safe” way out. After all, we would have to do a whole bunch of who knows what in order to come up with a viable plan we could feel comfortable with. Who wants to do that? But here’s the deal…that grim opponent I mention is probably bigger, uglier, and scarier in our imaginations than in reality. Let’s see if we can’t reduce the fear factor a bit and create a plan for wonder…You know, wondering how things will turn out, the wonder in our hearts, wonder-“full” ideas, and the wonder of it all?!

I hope you will take time to get more intimately acquainted with your Wise Woman. She possesses a wealth of wonder just waiting to be explored!

Deborah Ricci is a freelance columnist living in Maynard with her husband, Wil. She can be found visiting with her Wise Woman in her little shop, Teresina’s in Downtown Maynard at 41 Main St. Hours: Tues.-Sat. 11-6 978-897-3914

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Breakthroughs...& Breakdowns

What a too? That damned Human Condition...But here's the trick....noticing how we react to what we are handed....That, my friends is the magic formula.

Today I learned so much about myself....and after being here more than a half century, this is a good thing. Every day we each get handed a clean from any mistakes...Then...what we put on it is all up to us.

I harken back to something I was introduced to many years ago. I don't even remember the name of the class, however, this one important thing continues to stand out in my mind...relentlessly reminding me....over and over again. Are you ready? Here it is..."Is this the best use of my time, right now?" Can you imagine if we were to embrace and embody this cathartic phrase? So many things would change. We could single-handedly alter the course of our lives....softly....easily....mindfully.

I had tea with a friend this morning and after we both shared about our recent health challenges; hers, a broken right leg, and mine, torn muscles in my back, things really began to shift in our conversation. How amazing is this Universe we dwell in?! It has to drop a huge house on us to get our attention! How screwed up is that? Here's the funny part. It worked! I finally got just how hard and much I am working and got to hear another bright women's take on the same thing. Yes, we are both very bright and educated and it still took an amazing amount of Universal energy to get our attention.

So, with that said, I have made some significant changes to my know that thing we are seriously addicted to filling up? I have given myself permission to heal myself purposefully, and lovingly. The shift has occurred because I created a clearing for it to enter into my life. Only we possess the power to create change. What will you do to manifest this mind-boggling transformation? I invite you to entertain this amazing possibility.

It's all good!

Monday, April 27, 2009

What "jazzes" us?

What jazzes you? Do you live in the moment? Time is the elusive thief, coming and going, most certainly with a multitude of everything and anything you can think of. Of course...all of the obvious "stuff" that we each have going on, whether we like it or not, along with anything else that just seems to come along for the ride...and it has been a ride; a roller coaster of emotions, some good...for many of us. And...with a feeling of inner strength rising to the surface making itself known in a very surprising way. I believe we are indeed a country on the mend. The journey has only just begun and while we roll up our sleeves and take the first steps, let's not loose sight of our OWN personal quest. Albeit as intertwined as it may be, let's remember to take some time to peruse our map on a regular basis so as not to loose track of the routes we were in the midst of travelling.

Do you have a muse? Of course you don't...only artists have muses, right? I'm here to dispel the rumor that artists and musicians are the only folk who are allowed to have muses. The art of choosing a muse doesn't have to be complicated. It can be the simplest of tasks; just the right thing at just the right moment. (There's that moment thing again.) Let's jump on the possibility that we too, can have our very own muses! What brings us aesthetic pleasure? Do not dismay, my friend! These things take time and must be handled delicately. After all, we just found out we are entitled to have our muse! How great is that?

Make a list of all the things you love and are grateful for in your life...Watch what happens! You might notice some overlap. Pay attention to that part of your list. Fine tune it and after some purposeful pondering, you muse will show up, I promise! Now all we have to do is SHOW UP in our life....every day! Find something to be jazzed about and make an attempt to honour your muse. I dare say that at first, it may feel awkward and downright weird, but push through....March on! Your destiny awaits your new found talents. They were there all along and just didn't realize it was OK to show up quite yet. Oh...and yes, when confronted by the naysayers, and there will be naysayers, thank them for sharing and get right back to what your were doing. They'll get the message sooner or later and won't they be happily surprised when your book becomes a best seller and the accolades are coming from those previously know as the band of naysayers and "no-wayers" who all of a sudden want to extol your virtues?!

Anyway...writing this Blog has been a dream of mine and one day, just about a week ago, I knew it was time to Blog On! I feel blessed to have this opportunity to share my life with you on a regular basis and hope you can find a spark of inspiration to follow your hearts and find your muse. Girls like us need to give ourselves permission to create. After all, we possess great power. The secret is to access it and dwell in it. Your treasure awaits you...Get our your maps and plot your course. X marks the spot!