Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Make Like a Sponge....Soak it all in!

Girls Like Us

Be a Sponge…Soak it In!

I am an avid fan of using the world as a classroom, the ultimate learning experience, and I will go so far as to say I advocate for a much needed break between the end of high school and the beginning of any kind of conventional higher learning. I also endorse taking that kind of “sabbatical” and using it to acquire a more unorthodox type of education. I don’t know if all graduating high school seniors really can define their one true aspiration. Don’t get me wrong, there are many who can. I know I sure wasn’t ready at 17 to commit to a life that involved something I had absolutely no interest in and thank God, the Dean of nurses at Grace New Haven miraculously knew the real me, who couldn’t even imagine my life going in that admirable, but wayward direction for the next 4 years! The universe intervened and showed itself through this amazing woman who sat opposite me and my parents that ominous day. Somehow she turned my fate around in that moment. I don’t remember the ride home, but a few short weeks later, I found myself in design school! Having always been of creative mind, I was elated, scared and down right shocked given the unexpected flurry of changes. My dad really wanted me to take on my mom’s profession. “It would always be something I could fall back on”, he said. It just wasn’t for me. I was, after all, a girl, that for years, insisted on reincarnating her gypsy garb to once again partake in Halloween festivities. I never tired of the wonderful fantasy I could immerse myself in, even if it was just for one evening a year. All the colourful textiles and layers; Beads, baubles, and bangles... the more the better! And...Lest we forget the temporary "mask" of rouge and lipstick. Ahhh…the “over the top” creative ritual of temporary transformation…Anyway, I digress…..Needless to say, I chose the path less travelled and have been following my bliss ever sense.

Today’s youth, albeit, only twenty-five or so years their parents’ junior, seem to have so much more emotional and intellectual maturity which has given rise to the extreme popularity for said sabbatical; almost making it a necessary part of the whole learning mission. By piecing together many varied experiences, life has a way of becoming the ultimate teacher. And…these young people really know how to take full advantage of this kind of amazing opportunity. I don’t think anyone can know where “alternative schooling” can take us. I really just think about the kind of story we could each have during the process. Think about the idea as kind of a revelation for the mind as well as the soul. Literally…the sky is the limit and often lends itself to making totally different choices after all. And yes... sometimes much to the chagrin of others. The self discovery that seems to be a large “side effect” of global trotting, reveals a new self, or helps the old self move in a new direction.

As an envious onlooker, are these amazing students of life being overly selfish or narcissistic or are they actually right on track? I read this quote once and it feels right in line with my lamentations. “Life to be vivid, strong, and creative, demands constant reflection upon experience, so that action may be guided by wisdom.” With that said, wisdom does indeed hatch from experience and how we choose to gain that most valuable lesson is purely personal. Going on to higher education is a relative term that needs to be considered from every angle. I myself look to the community and world around me daily. I am never disappointed and always inspired.

I will close with another quote by Beatrix Potter, who, by the way, went in a completely unconventional direction. “We cannot stay home all of our lives. We must present ourselves to the world and think of it as an adventure.” By the way, Miss Potter is the most acknowledged and successful children’s authors in the world!

Deborah Ricci is a freelance columnist living in Maynard with her husband, Wil. She can be found taking a journey of the senses at her little shop, Teresinas, in Downtown Maynard at 41 Main St. Hours: 11-6 Tues-Sat. 978-897-3914

Friday, May 8, 2009

An Epiphany to Remember!

Do you remember when you had an Epiphany so grand, that it brought you to tears? That is exactly what happened to me today. Lots of thoughts...all of them culminating feelings and BOOM.....my AHA moment, as Oprah likes to call it. But, did you know what the word AHA stands for? I'll tell ya....Awesomely Heightened Awareness, that's what....Okay, so I just made that up, but it sure works, doesn't it? Here is the clincher though...once this incredible moment shows itself, then what? Well, in a perfect world, we would have to act on it, right? Then what? Well, then we might have to change something! Oh...right! Much, much easier said than done.

I think, for me, it was very healing and as much as I was completely overtaken by it, I knew right then and there, change was a comin'....and I would have to be the driver.

It's like that in so many areas of our lives....some of them much bigger than others, of course, but none the less...without change, there is no growth....and we all know that without growth, we get stale, stagnate and fuzzy. I don't know about you, but I am allergic to mold.....

So...which vehicle do we choose to get there? And, do we need a co-pilot, or "wing man", if you will? I think the choice of vehicle is less important that plotting the way there is. Once we have made up our minds to alter something, the way seems to show up....for me, anyhow. It's about creating a clearing for the change to occur. Most of us are so stockpiled with old parts and pieces of our past, that another option doesn't dare show up for fear of getting lost in the shuffle. So, by creating space, any kind of space, we let the Universe know that we are willing to accept the next phase of our trip. There is an air of knowing and that feels good, my friends. It's so much easier to see when we strip away all of debris that keeps us from attaining our true goals. It's a messy job, but some one's gotta do it.

I will close today with just this one thought...Change is scary....but the lack of it is frightening.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Let's shorten our "To-Do" list!

Hi there....Here is something to think about on this rainy day...

Are you ready for a challenge? And...Not the kind where you risk life and limb to accomplish, either. No, a much simpler one, albeit not as easy, though. Here it is. I challenge you to take one hour a day just for yourself! Are you laughing hysterically and rolling your eyes just at the thought of this seemingly crazy an impossible idea? Now mind you, this well thought out advice is coming to you from a self proclaimed multi-tasker personified. However, you may be surprised to know that I am successfully regenerating my too-full calendar and taking some much needed “time in”, as Abby Seixas writes about in her wonderful, life saving book, “Finding The Deep River Within”.

There are many ways you can about this very important task. We are all so different and we must each find the way that best works for us. Here are some ideas of how you can begin to take better care of yourself while making changes in your daily schedule. Try and get to bed at a reasonable time. Seven or more hours is recommended in order to restore your body and brain. Strive to get to bed at the same time nightly. By creating an evening ritual, your body begins to fall into the new groove. It may be a bit more challenging if you have children, but once you get your routine down, everyone will get in the rhythm.

Another opportunity to seize some special solitude is mornings. I just love the morning, especially this time of year. You may choose to rise a bit earlier than the rest of your clan, and do something just for you. Take your tea or coffee outside. Bring your book or journal with you, and take in your surroundings. Listen to the early birds singing their morning scales. Walk around your yard and look for new little buds peeking their heads out of the ground. Try doing some stretches in your yard. “What would the neighbors think?” you ask. They are probably thinking what a great idea it is and you might have a stretching partner before too long. If you can squeeze it in, go for a brisk walk. You can clear your head and plan your day all at the same time. And…if neither of these times are possible, find 15-30 minutes in the middle of your day to just breathe and reflect. It will recharge your batteries and give you the energy you need for the second leg of your day.

One way or the other, let’s take the challenge together because you know, there is strength in numbers! Life is so busy. The urgency in your daily round can overshadow what is truly important…you! By putting ourselves first, everyone will benefit and change will begin to show in the smallest ways. We feel happier and calmer and those around us will reflect this new found pace of grace. I wish you the best of luck and may your guiding force be with you.
Deborah Viapiana-Ricci lives in Maynard with her husband, Wil. She is a Personal Fashion Stylist and Skin Care Educator. She can be found time “time in” at her store, Teresina’s, in Downtown Maynard at 41 Main St. Wed. 11-6, Thurs. 11-7, Fri. & Sat. 11-6. 978-897-3914

Sunday, May 3, 2009

We ARE all the same! How great is that?!

Yesterday, I had the amazing good fortune of being one of the nearly 16,000 folks who had the wonderful opportunity of seeing the Dalai Lama! He graced us with his presence at Gillette stadium, of all places. The whole experience was surreal. At first, I just kept taking in my own awe....after all...here was THE Dalai Lama, # 14 to be exact....at that!

The most wonderful thing occurred though...while his inner most mission was to weave us all together with a common thread...Peace...everyone watched and listened for something we could take home with us and use in our daily lives. The myriad of people was astounding, from all walks of life. The stadium had a whole different tone from that of a football game. I guess it was just understood...the vibe was most definitely peaceful and respectful...kids and all.

We got there just before he began talking and as I settled myself into my seat, I was still trying to make sense of how this all came to be. Not only was the weather perfect, the owners of the stadium gave it to them at no cost. The whole thing was handled very mindfully and that is what I call good Karma.

His message was often light, instigating laughter from the crowd and at one point, when the sun finally broke through the clouds, he produced a genuine Patriot's ball cap and put it on his Holiness' head! The crowd clapped and roared with delight, myself included! He is indeed a human being and was sure to make that point on more than one occasion. His levity was most welcome as much as his insistence on telling us just how much we are all the same...no different. He wanted us to know that each of us is most definitely entitled to a happy and peaceful life. And...it was important to take the steps to bring ourselves to that point. I really liked one part in particular....I had heard it before...but hearing him say it was so incredible....It went something like this: If you cannot help anyone, do them no harm.....So, for me....if we can't be part of the solution, don't be the problem. That is something we could all take home. If nothing else, what if each of us adopted that little piece of wisdom? What would that look like? WOW!

In closing, I was given a poster of the event and have it lovingly placed on our little altar in our living room. Every time I walk by it, I see someone who is just a man, doing his best to spread an altruistic message to the world and it reminds me to try and do the same.