Wednesday, February 27, 2013

"I'll have chocolate with a side of inspiration, please."

Wow…It’s the end of February already…wasn’t it just Christmas? I guess we know what that means…we will be marching into a new month, and the season that most people can’t wait for, especially back where I’m from. As you may have heard, New England has been enduring a real old fashioned winter and as pretty as it was, I bet they are ready for spring.  There is just something about the arrival of the next season that beckons renewal wrapped in excitement.  What plans do you have for your own replenishment?

Yesterday, our wonderful friend and contractor, Andrew along with his guys, Abraham and Israel, came to our home and pecked off my “honey-do” list with mucho gusto.  Needless to say, I am elated!  We have only been in our home in the “Hood” for a little over six months, so as you can imagine, the tasks that need doing are great in number.  After collecting loads of clippings and inspiring brocante, I was so happy to see my vision come to fruition!

It’s important to have an ongoing well of inspiration, don’t you think?  We all need that.  So, when I need creative stimulation, I take myself out on what author Julia Cameron calls an “artists’ date.” And, because I am fairly new to the area, these forays are a necessary habit to get into.  It doesn’t need to be too far, either. Just somewhere I can take in the general splendor of my destination.  Today, my jaunt took me over to Watter’s Creek where I happily meandered through Anthropologie where there is absolutely no shortage of muse inspiring ideas. Indeed, a plethora of sensory awakenings just waiting to be discovered. 

After I had my “fill”, I strolled directly next door to the most wonderful chocolate shoppe called “Sublime”.  Upon entering, a wonderful Danish woman named Sanne educated me about this very special establishment which only made me more curious about tasting their wares.  Since it was my first visit, she promptly asked me what my preference was with regard to either white, milk, or dark chocolate. I answered “dark”.  She then presented me with a petite sample of their divine drinking chocolate…pure heaven!  I then ordered a latte which was delivered with yet another “version” of their confections, a nibble of handcrafted chocolate embedded with hazelnuts and cranberries…noticing a theme, here?  I also got to meet the owners, a lovely husband and wife team, Troy and Bliss (appropriate, don’t you think?) Easton and I got to learn more about their incredible art.  Needless to say, my “date” was truly a feast for the senses. 

In this fast paced society, it’s so important to make time for renewal of the body and soul. Where will you go for inspiration?  And, what’s more, will you give yourself permission to do it? 

So, with March on the horizon, will it come in like a lion and leave us like a lamb?  That’s for each of us to decide…Because...sometimes…we need to hear a big roar to get our attention!

Deborah Viapiana-Ricci is a freelance writer living in the “Hood” with her husband, Wil.  She can be found sipping at Sublime and filling her cup with inspiration. Feel free to join her!  And, don’t forget to check out her blog

Monday, February 18, 2013


Hey there...and Happy Monday!  How was your weekend?  Mine was good although a bit unusual.  My sweet husband, Wil gifted himself with a couple days away with our church to participate in a men's retreat. And, in turn, I gifted myself with a few little treats of time to be spent doing some fun things too!

Thanks to a friend, who graciously hooked up our DVD player, (I am not at all electronically inclined) I got to watch one of my favorite movies, "August Rush".  It's a story about never giving up hope and keeping your eye on the prize.  I LOVE that flick!  You laugh and cry right along with them...very engaging, and most cathartic.

Saturday afternoon, my daughter, Gina and I met up at our favorite second-hand shop, seeking untold treasures before we took to our fair little downtown for a lovely lunch at Patina Green and an arm-in-arm stroll (very Italian like) around the much to see and a perfect day to do it! 

Then, I got really crazy and watched another movie!  YES...two in the same weekend! (I was well overdue.) This time it was the wonderful story of a young woman who was obsessed with Julia Child and vowed to cook her way through the MONSTER foodie bible and blog about it...You know the film "Julie & Julia"?  I loved watching how much in love Julia and Paul were... such a breath of fresh air.  Call me a romantic, but I can't help it...Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci...C'mon!  Anyway, it was the perfect way to end the day...

I picked up my William Sunday afternoon in the parking lot of the church.  He looked different, calmer, more relaxed...but more than that, we were happy to see each other and I was glad he was home.  We spent the rest of the day talking, cooking and reconnecting in a new way.

I think when we get away from our routine, we get to see life in a whole new light...a brighter version of our day to day happenings...more alive.  The first thing we must do is to recognize that we just might be missing something...we are all so tied up with that darned "to-do list" that we really don't make the time to create a new way of doing things.

I invite you to think about "reconnecting"...I mean REALLY reconnecting with someone in your life...and don't be surprised if that "someone" is YOU!   

Bon Apetit!  

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday Musings

Good Morning...glad to be back!  

It's raining here in McKinney today...not something we see that often, but when it does, I delight in the opportunity to "take time in".  We get a lot of beautiful sunny days, so when it does rain, I relish it and hunker down at home, to get stuff done...which could either mean pecking things off my Victory Plan, or doing something fun and creative. "Like what?" you ask.  Well...I have a really fun spot in our office that just cries out for my attention.  I created a little writing corner, which sits directly in front of the window out to our back yard, so there is plenty of natural light streaming in (not today, though...that's what my mini faux Tiffany lamp is for.)  However, when the sun is up and coming, it hits this side of the house first which makes for a perfect time to write. 

I am surrounded by lots of inspiration...a plethora of books, both whimsical and instructive, small objets d'art that once lived at my studio back east, a very funky olive green vintage wicker chair, (given to me as a housewarming present), and my antique dress form (Tess) who was my constant companion in my shop for many years.  Around her neck is my compass, ever reminding me to hold my course.  Adjacent to Tess sits my Nonna Teresina's over-stuffed arm chair which occupied a place of honour in her home for over 50 years!  The slip cover is a very lively velvet brocade fabric, in rich shades of ruby and gold...and very comfy I might add.  There also sits a fine stack of vintage luggage in four different styles for both practicality and aesthetics, that house various "themes" of materials I need for both work and play. Who wouldn't want to be in this space?  I have lots of things "going on" right now professionally, so it will be a "tie" to see which one of my muses gets my attention today.

Now that you know what my creative space looks like, I encourage you to make one for yourself as well...just a little nook or corner, somewhere in your home, where you might be able to pull yourself out of the "line of fire"...even for a few quiet minutes each day.  You will not only feel a sense of comfort and joy, you will recharge your batteries and be able to take on the rest of your day with a new found sense of grace and hope.  

I once read that if you seize one glorious opportunity with energy and wit, that others would surely follow!  Enjoy your time today...and get those creative juices going'll be happy you did! 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

How do you want your weekend? Scrambled or Fried?

So many of us look toward the weekend as an opportunity to "catch up".  Catch up to WHAT?  We fill both days with an incredulous amount of tasks, chores, and projects that when Monday rolls around, there comes a sort of "reverse" let-down...we are almost glad to get back to work and a routine we are used to.  What the heck is wrong with that picture, my friends?  
What happened to creating time for respite and rejuvenation?  I hear that even the Great Creator rested on the seventh day!  Americans, unlike many other foreign cultures have taken liberty with their schedules and maxed them out like a teenager with their first credit card.  We are not taking time to just "be" and all the while, our children, (our future) are watching and learning what they are living...a hectic lifestyle that lends itself to proliferating for generations to come.  Okay...'nough said....what are we going to do about it? 
The Italians have a wonderful saying (I love this!)..."Dolce far niente"...the sweetness of doing NOTHING!  Okay, okay, no need to get sassy...I know this is a far cry from what any of our lives look like, but wouldn't it be nice to aspire to such a leisure past-time?  
We chatted about "what we wear" in one of my last posts...Now, I'm going to ask you about the "food we prepare".  While we are busy whirling from activity to activity in our two precious days "off"(?), what kind of time are we dedicating to putting together family meals?  You know, those old-fashioned sit-down dinners where all members are present and accounted for? Yeah, those!  Easier said than done...OF COURSE!  But, how about picking one day...just ONE, to set aside and make a plan to cook and eat together every weekend?  
I'm sure most of you have heard about the "Slow Food Movement" began in Italy (of course!) and has spread to numerous other countries.  I wonder why it has picked up speed.  Well, it's because there is a whole lot of merit to the idea, that's why!  I grew up in the 1960's where NOTHING came between our families having dinner together on Sunday afternoons.  My dad really loved to cook and it was always a beautiful meal for us all (7) to share.  I would love to believe there are many families who still engage in this wonderful tradition and would ask you to think about adopting it for your own, too.

I will be putting some ideas together to make family time more "weekend-friendly", stay tuned!  And, until then...Put some lipstick on, turn up the music and cook something wonderful for dinner...You won't be sorry!  

Watch for the signs! many of you are on a road to discovery, but have NO idea about how to get there?  You know what I'm talking about?  That's because there haven't been enough signs along the way!! Society wants us to follow it's signs, which usually lead to pot holes, dead ends, and unpredictable detours to nowhere. 

Life in and of itself is meant to be a never ending "self-discovery" filled with a kind of peaceful existence that we only hear about once in a great while.  Why is that?  That's because we give way to what we think we should be doing.  Who says so?  And, can we stop ourselves long enough to take a different turn in the road?  

Here's what I think.  In a world where bigger, bigger, faster, faster, more, more is running our lives to the point of ridiculous proportions, putting the breaks on just doesn't seem to be an option.  I once read an ad for a shoe company that proclaimed "If you aren't fast, you get eaten".  The truth is we are getting "eaten" in one way or the other and it's time to pull off the road and put it in park.  

For the past month, I have been fighting some kind of virus...nothing major and not even the flu..but just pesky enough to keep me off my game.  Turns out, that this silly little "annoyance" has brought me to a place of such clarity about my "mission", I can honestly say, I am thankful for the introspective gift of time I have been forced to spend at home recuperating.  

So...I ask you...why does it take us getting sick (in some form or another) to unplug, decompress, and stop the whirling before we pay attention?  Society does NOT endorse slowing down and in fact, given the continuous ads that blare at us touting the importance of being able to watch 23 different things at the same time, it just continues to proliferate the notion that speed IS better!

Well, not for this old gal!  What's more, it is actually making me move further in the opposite direction and funny enough, my world is not crumbling to a grinding halt...On the contrary, I am able to see things more clearly than I have for a very long time.  By "taking time in", we can meet our own inner challenges of maintaining overall well being and if you have children, you can be sure they will take notice of the changes that will occur purely through creating awareness around the new "discoveries".  

I wish you a grace-filled day...Deborah